Reaching highly technical audiences can be a challenge for marketers. Whether you are tasked with marketing to scientists and engineers or not, there are many key strategies that we can all use to reach and engage with our target audience through social media and other marketing activities. Discover the few differences and the many similarities that we all share! In this webinar, we’ll discuss lessons learned from working with thousands of scientists and engineers for three decades that you can apply to the development of your social media marketing strategy. Join us and learn:

  • How scientists and engineers approach social media and marketing

  • Where to find this target audience

  • What’s different and what’s not

  • How to reach and engage with a technical audience

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome!

    1. How to Market to Scientists and Engineers: Lessons for All

    1. NISM Events on Facebook (Upcoming)

    2. All NISM Webinars (Past and Upcoming)

    3. Handout

    1. Webinar Quiz

About this course

  • $7.99
  • 6 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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