Embark on a journey to enhance your project management skills!

Whether you're in corporate or freelance, the workload required of social media teams today can make it challenging to distribute engaging content effectively.

What's the best way to plan, create, and execute your projects alongside your daily tasks?

Join us to hear NISM Strategist Lexi Croisdale's project management secrets and amp up your success in the digital content world.

  • How to use Project Management Strategies in social media

  • Best practices for executing campaigns

  • Tips for managing projects as a team of one or a team of many

  • Methodologies for managing time

  • Tips for staying organized while managing multiple projects

Course curriculum

    1. Project Management in the Social Media Universe

    1. Project Management in the Social Media Universe (Handout)

    2. All NISM Webinars (Past and Upcoming)

    1. Quiz - Project Management in the Social Media Universe

About this course

  • $7.99
  • 4 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content
  • 1 CEU

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