Virtual Product Launch
Do you have a product you want to launch but feel like you don't have the time or money to promote it? We'll talk about what you can do virtually to connect with people around the world through social media by being organized & creating pitches!
The Ways We Connect: Exploring how women MBAs use LinkedIn
In this webinar, Dr. Barbra Olson shares her findings regarding how women MBAs use LinkedIn.
Taking Control of Social Happiness: Personal and professional choices for a positive social media experience
4.0 average rating (1 review)In this webinar, we'll explore social media research related to use in our personal and work lives, practical self-care tips for social media professionals, and ideas for healthy choices for social media use in your private life.
The 6 Steps for Creating a Social Media Policy
In this webinar, we’ll cover best practices and most common mistakes made when creating social media policies as well as six questions to ask when writing your organization’s social media policy from scratch.
Best Practices for Live Tweeting
In this webinar we'll cover tips for live Tweeting during conferences/events, including how to choose the right conversations for your brand and ways you can add value to conversations relevant to your business!
Leaders Online: How savvy executives manage their brand
In this webinar, we'll discuss what leaders should be talking about online, how they should be presenting their message, and how they can balance personal and professional networks.